June 2019

Amidst the highs of compounding success for both PURA and the Ghetto Cowboy production, tragedy strikes: Eric Miller, the much beloved champion of Philly black cowboys and the city’s urban riding community, is murdered at his home in a robbery gone bad.

Shaken by the devastating loss of Miller’s galvanizing spirit, leadership, and advocacy, the Fletcher Street community rallies with the film production team to finish the work that Eric began.

Riders Erin Brown, Al Lynch, Michal Upshur, Mercedes Thorpe, James Morgan, and Jamil Prattis spend the summer shoulder-to-shoulder with Ricky, Dan and the rest of the filmmakers to ensure that the show will go on. Thanks to the team’s grit and perseverance, the production office for the film (newly titled Concrete Cowboy) opens in June, and filming begins in August.